So, think you have seen it all? You have seen nothing yet. The immorality and disgracefulness of the Feminist movement have now reached a new record high. We have already got used to the fact that feminists make men's life bitter. However, when we died, feminists used to leave us alone. Well, so it was until recently. Nowadays, feiminists have also taken away the privilege men used to have, to die in peace.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Feminists Robbing Dead Bodies For Sperm
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Watch it online: Feminists trying to frame a Supreme court candidate
It's is quite rare to have evidence to false allegations. Usaully, it's a "word against a word", there are no witnesses. However, this rare story is amazing, you can see online all the evidence and everything links together.
Israeli Father Arrested For No Reason By Rabbanical Family Court, Will recieve 2500$ compensation from the state
Monday, January 18, 2010
Discriminating Men: Women get Social Security in retirement 3 years earlier than men
This is another example of discrimination against men by the Israeli government. In Israel there is a different retirement age for men and women. The discrimination is very clear: Men are eligible for Social Security when they reach the age of 67. women are eligible as soon as they reach the age of 64. As always, the Israeli government is not even trying to hide or excuse it. You can find this fact stated clearly in plain english in the Israeli Social Security website.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
UK Tories Leader Promises a further crackdown on "Deadbeat Dads"
The upcoming UK election are very likley to have Tories outthrow labour from power. If any of you MRAs had any high hopes that the tories are going do anything about fathers' rights, I'm afraid that you might be disappointed by reading this.
Lilach Irmiyahu will pay 25000$ in compensation for making false allegations about sexual abuse
Lilach Irmiyahu, an Israeli female student, will pay 25000 USD plus 4000 USD for legal costs to compensate a men whom she accussed of sexually abusing her. A pioneer court ruling by female Judge Oshri Frost-Frenkel from the local court in Tel-Aviv has recognized the false allegations victim right for compensation. The original court decision (In Hebrew) can be found here.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Israels' IDF Mandatory Draft: Discrimination Against Israeli Men
Ever since it was established, Israel has been under a state of war with more than one country. As a result, there has always been a mandatory draft in Israel. Every Israeli must join the ranks of the IDF when he reaches the age of 18. Men must serve the IDF for 3 years, whlie women only have to serve 2 years.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Israel: Malka (Mali) Zarihan, a 25 years old women from Raanana, was arrested for making serial false sexual abuse allegations
The Israeli local court in Kefar Saba, has extended arrest order of Malka (Mali) Zarihan in in 5 days, YNET NEWS has reported today. (Original YNET Article in hebrew here).
Malka (Mali) Zarhian, a 25 years old women from Raanana, Israel, is a suspected of commiting a series of blackmail and false rape accusation crimes. According to YNET report, Mali Zarihan used to hitch-hike on the roads, and then blackmail the drivers. She would say that unless the drivers give her money she would complain in the Israeli police that they raped her. According to YNET report, several dozens of Israeli drivers fell vistim to Mali Zarihan's crime over the last year.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Hey, Feminists, Leave The Kids Alone!
A crucial part of the feminist movement strategy is to take control over the mind of young children. This becomes possible in a variety of ways. The takeover of the education system and the teaching proffesion by feminist women, leaves our young boys vulnerable to their feminist brainwash, before they are old enough to develop their own judgement.
But apparently feminists do not find that sufficient. When my mother (who is certainly not a feminist, but happens to be a teacher) studied for her Masters in Education, she had to file papers about what is wrong with the traditional children literature, and about how children books must be revised to reflect better the feminist agenda.
About a year ago, I was listening to the radio, and heard a very interesting item on the national news. The item said that the authority regulating commercials in Israel has declined a request by Women's organizations to ban a commercial that belonged to a leading cellular phones company in Israel. The commercial had good-old Superman starring in it.
Women's organizations claimed that Supermen might "Encourage young children to try to fly". Yes, you are not mistaken. This is actually what they have claimed. It is clear that the real motive behind it was an attempt to censor a healthy male role model for boys. This is how crazy the feminist brainwash in Israel has become.
And my suggestion to this women's organization: why just ban the commercial? why not demand that the Israeli government bans Superman movies altogether?
The "Men Tax" in Israel: A gender-based flat rate 300$ annual men tax
Making men special special gender-based income tax has been part of the feminist agenda for a long time now. However, in Israel a gender-based men tax is already a reality that is well integrated within the income tax system.
Income tax in Israel works in a progressive way, the higher your annual income is, the higher your tax rate will be. After calculating the personal income tax, there are credits. Every Israeli resident is eligible for 2.25 credit points, worth about 1350$ anually. this means that if your calculated income tax is 5000$, you would only pay 3650$.
However, if you are a woman, you will get an additional 0.5 credit points just because you are a woman. It doesn't matter if you have children or not. You just have to be a woman. This additional 0.5 credit point worth about 300$ every year.
So, there you have it. In the Israeli taxation system you have a annual flat 300$ gender-based Men Tax.
If the government wanted to be really eaqul, it should have either canceled the extra 0.5 credit point for women altogether, or reduce it by 0.25 points and give men an extra 0.25 points as well. As long as the current gender-based taxation goes on, the Israeli government will be part of the hall of shame of governments that apply institutional discrimination policies against men on the basis of gender.
The worst thing about it is that the Israeli government doesn't even try to hide it or excuse it in some way. The Men Tax is proudly mentioned in the official website of the finance ministry. Search for "Tax Credits" and you will see it there. An Official Men Tax!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Young men no longer wish to marry - The Marriage Strike
Young men across the western world no longer wish to get married. The number of over 30 years old bachelor is growing faster than ever. Those eternal Peter-Pan style bachelors do not wish to assume traditional adult male responsibilities such as marrying a wife and bringing children. Instead, they preffer investing in their careers, spending some intimate time with their playstation, and relating with women for the sole purpose of a sexual relationship. The complaints by women about the mythical "Men Shortage", are more common and more loud than ever.
So what happened? Is it a problem with the value of the current generation of young males? Is it the education system? Is it the western modern culture? Well the answer to this is no no and no. It is just that many young men today believe that marrige has become a potential dangerous trap for them.
Young men today are increasingly aware of the anti mail bias that feminists brought to the family courts. They are well aware of the dangers of the feminist led domestic violence and divorce industries. They sense that the current social climate is hostile to men in general, and that they no longer have their traditional role as the head of the household, because they are no longer allowed by feminists to fulfill it.
Marriage has simply become extremely unattractive to men, so men just don't do it anymore. This social phoenomenon is often reffered to as "The Marriage Strike". The Marriage Strike is a strike that neither has a union nor leaders. The marriage strike is nothing more than the aggregate result of millions of individual decisions made my young males all across the feminist infected west. Each one of them decides independently that marriage is no good. And there you have it. A Marrige Strike. As long as the legitimate interests of men and fathers are ignored by politicians, judges, and other policy makers, the marriage strike is only going to continue and even deepen. If the Marriage Strike keeps on for too much longer, western civilization as we know it is going to disappear within a generation or two. Do we care? Yes we do. Do we have another choice? no we don't. The current situation is so unbearable, that men no longer have a choice. They must make radical decisions, amounting to an all-out Marriage Strike by males. If the western civilization is not able to self correct the anomalities created by feminism, perhaps it is a sign that it has reached the end of the road, and the time has come for it to be replaced by an alternative civilization.
Child Support and Bankrupcy
Sometimes, things don't go as you expected, and you find yourself consideringf the option of bankrupcy filing. It could be a failed business, a sudden medical bill, unepmployment, divorce, etc.
The main idea behind bankrupcy proceedings is to make it possible for those who got into financial trouble a second chance, and start fresh new life. If a person has no realistic chance to repay his debts, usaully he has to sell all of his assets, pay a realistic amount every month, and he gets some of his debts erased. The whole process is supervised by judges, that make sure a good balance is found between the interests of those who own the debt, and the interests of the debtor.
However, in most countries, child support debts can nev er be erased - even through a bankrupcy process. This leaves many fathers who got into financial trouble without the chance to ev er have normal financial life again. This kind of restriction on the ability to erase child support debts has been heavily promoted by feminist lobbies through the western world. Even in cases where it's clear that the father has no realistic chance to ever repay his child support debts, the child support debt will stay there forever, and will even keep growing over time as a result of the high interest charged.
Child Support debts should be no different than any other debt. If a father cannot repay his debts, then he cannot repay his debts. There is no reason to destroy his whole life because of this. This is even more true because child support debts could have been created not because of the father's fault. This is unlike other types of "regular" debts, that could be created due to over consumption, business failure, or lack of financial responsibility by the debtor. In the case of child support debts, the father's sole "crime" was the fact that he decided to bring a child to the world.
In many cases, the divorce wasn't even his fault. Sometimes, the child support order is too high, so the father cannot pay.
The ability to have child support debts erased in the case of bankrupcy is a right fathers should have. There is no reason to destroy a father's life, just because he is in financial trouble and cannot pay child support. Everybody deserves a second chance - fathers included.
An Anti Feminist Speech by a brave Women: Israeli Lawyer, Dafna Netanyahu, in a conference of the Israeli Likud Party
It is very uncommon to see a politician speaking in public against feminism, in the political corectness atmosphere that controls the Israeli politics and media. However, in a brave speech, Dr. Dafna Netanyahu is presenenting Anti-Feminist views in open air, in a conference of the Israeli Likud Party. The Israeli Likud party is a moderate right-wing party. The Current Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, is from the Likud Party.
A translation of Danfa Netanyahu's speech:
Good evening.
Many years ago, I have talked with an anthropoligist who told me about a research in an African tribe that lived in extreme conditions of war and poverty for a long period of time. The social fabric of that tribe has fell apart. In an event witnessed by the Anthropoligist, some of the tribe members abused a child and moked him, while a larger group of other tribe memebrs watched and laughed with joy, joining the abused from time to time. Among the watchers was also the child's mother, who not only didn't try to protect her child, but also laughed at his humiliation.
The anthropoligist has explained that when a society reaches such a level of lack of compassion, even between a mother and her child, the rehabilition of such a society is no longer possible. Apparently the emotional relationship between family members is a glue that is neccessary to the existance of a any group, as it functions as the basis for the emotional ability of humans to feel dedication to a group. First for his family, then close groups outside the family, and finally to other humans.
It is clear that we have relationships with groups of common interest, such as sports, hobbies, volunteer activities or political opinions. However, relationships that are only based on such groups, are much less deep, and not as full as those we have with more basic groups such as the family.
In the 20th Century, we have witnessed an intended breaking of the emitional-moral social glue, which is so vital to keeping the human group, as well as the emotional ability of an individual to relate to it. I am talking of course abot the communist regimes. Those invested effort in diverting groups of people controlleed by them, from indentifying with their families, communities and so on, to indentifying with the communist party and with the class. This is how we found children snitching on their parents, who were sent to Gulags, force working and re-education camps, as a result. We have seen people who had their brothers or neighbours arrested, in exchange for a better housing or a better job withing the party.
This breaking of the natural bond that related the natural groups such as the family, and converting it to an unnatural bond between party members and members of a certain class, not only destroyes the natural social structure, but also disrupts the ability of individuals in society to feel natual feelings of love, compassion abd morality.
It replaces this ability with a blind agreement to obey adictator, the ruling party, or the elites that dictate the public agenda.
The elites that actually run our lives today, is taking similar measures of mental dictatorship. One of the most obvious examples, especially after the decline of communism, is the high social status of members of the feminist movement, that dictate the public agenda in Israel.
Feminism, just like Communism, is trying to break the natural feeling of bonding inside natural groups such as the family, and this time in the name of Gender.
Unlike movements that try to imporive the status of women INSIDE the family, the community and the nation, Feminism is expecting me as a women, just because I am women, to identify more with a women in China than with my employer who was "unlucky" to be born a man, who also serves as a reservist in the Israeli military and protects my life! It also expects me to identify more with a Palestinian women, who sends her son to commit a "Honor Killing" murder her daughter for "Disgracing the muslim family", more than I identify with my father, my brother, my husband and my son.
Unless my male family members agree with the Ideas of the feminist movement, they are classified as "Chuvinists" and "Women Haters". The feminist movement expects me to identify with another Palestinian women who encourages her children to participate in "Jihad" and commit sucide bomb attacks, against members of my family, my community, my city and my nation.
This demand by feminists, for total identification with our gender on the expense of cutting the natural bonds between our close traditional social units, who consist of both men and women, takes a high moral toll from us as a society. We end up losing our judgement and our ability to tell between right and wrong, real and unreal, rightous and unrightous within our society. Such a situation of confusion and loss of way, makes an excellent ground for the rise of "feminist leaders" that controls us and "shows" us the right way to solve our dillemas in life.
For example, when crimes of violence and sexual offenses against women are commited by jewish men, feminists say that those offender has to be fought against with zero tolerance, while they emphasize the fact that they are men, and after all, all men are violent by nature, unless they prove otherwise. However, when the same crimes are commited against jewish women by Palestinian men, those crimes against women are portraied by Israeli Feminists as a "Rightous national struggle" of Palestinians.
And if the female victim of the crimes are female settlers of the west bank, feminists even praise the attackers, as if they will be rewarded by the kingdom of heaven!
Not long ago, a feminist research has found out that IDF soldiers are not commiting rape crimes against Palestininan women in the occupied territories. But feminists has found an explanation for this: The IDF soldiers are racists, who dehumanize Palestinian women so they are not even an object for rape. This research has been published by one of the most respected universities in Israel.
Before feminists will be able to confuse us completly, we must remind ourselves that men as a whole, who are prtrayed by feminists as potential criminals, violent and chuvinist, could be our father, or our son. We must remember that the "racist" IDF soldiers fight every day against our enemies in order to protect us, and make it possible for us to live in our country. Identifying with our enemies, even with their female gender, is totally not acceptable.
Senior Israeli Police Officer: Over 50% of domestic violence complaints are False Accusations
Over 50% of domestic violence complaints in Israeli Police Stations are False Accusations. This claim was raised by Dr. Pini Yehezkeli, a Senior Israeli Police officer in an article he wrote in the official Israeli Police Force Magazine - "Marot Hamishtara".
Israeli Men rights have srated linking intensively to this article, which was available online. Not Surprisingly, Dr. Yehezkeli's article is no longer available in the police website.
Many Israeli MRAs claim that the Israeli Police is infected with Feminism, as more feminist women has penetrated the Israeli Police force, and managed to acquire key positions and a great influence. The removal of this article could be another example that support such claims by Israeli MRAs.
Official police statistics says that the rate of false accusation is 2-3% of total domestic violence cases opened every year. There is a huge gap between the official statistics and the data presented by Dr. Pini Yehezkeli. Even if the true figure is somewhere in between the 2 versions, such data should be alarming for every decision maker involved in the issue of domestic violence.
The fact that the Israeli Police decided to remove Dr Pini Yehezkeli's article from its web site, suggests that the Israeli police has something to hide. Could the real number of false Domestic Violence accuasions be much higher than the official statistics published by the Israeli police?
Monday, January 11, 2010
The Real victims of Domestic Violence: 200 divorced Israeli men commit suicide every year
200 divorced Israeli men commit suicide every year, many of them do so while they are under police custody, after they were arrested as suspects of domestic violence crimes.
This fact was published in a special report issued by the Israeli Ministry of Health. The report also stated that Divorced men in Israel commit suicide 8 times more than any other distinct population group.
As an American for example, 200 deaths every year might not sound that much. Buy it is important to remember that the total population in Israel is 7 million people. The population of the US for example, is somewhere around 250-300 million. so in US terms, this is as if 7000 good men commit suicide every year! As far as I recall, this is a larger number than the number of casualties in the Sep 11th attack. However, the Israeli media, which is clearly biased against men, does not mention this fact at all.
On the other hand, every time a woman is being murdered by a desparate husband during a divorce process, the media is all up and ready for action. The news will be flooded with horror stories about the poor women, and previous cases of domestic violence will be reminded as well. A whole big party in the media, that takes advantage of the situation to further deepen the social belief that all men are violent and dangerous.
Now, I am not saying that murdering women is OK. All I am saying is that the media is biased against men. And why so? Because on average 14 women are being murdered in Israel every year. This is all. 14 women die every year, and the media is making a huge noise about it. 200 good men die, and the media says nothing. Like in many other western countries, the media in Israel is Pro-Feminist and biased against men.
This post was written in memory of hundreds of anonymous good men, who were falsly accused of domestic violence crimes, broke down in police custody, after being charged with crimes they did not commit, and made a decision to end their lives. May god bless your souls, and may you find peace in heaven.
An Israeli Women's Organization is being taken to court by Israeli MK Michael Ben-Ari
Israeli MK Michael Ben Ari is Taking "Shdulat Hanashim" (Women's Lobby), and Israeli Women's Organization to court, the Israeli media has reported today. In the framework of a discussion in the Israeli Parliament about a law to extend Women's Maternity leave from 3 months to 6 months, MK Ben Ari has argued that Israeli employers might refrain from hiring women in the first place. "The proposed law might end up hurting women's status rather than helping them", MK Ben Ari said. MK Ben Ari has given an imaginary example of an accountant's office that would prefer hiring men rather than women as a result of the proposed law.
"Shdulat Hanashim", one of the most militant Women's organization in Israel, has completly distorted what MK Ben Ari has said and accused him publicly of being a women hater. Shdulat Hanashim is funded by the "New Israeli Fund", which is accused by some Israelies as being Anti-Patriotic and Anti-National donations fund.
MK Ben Ari is filed a 250,000 NIS (around 62500 USD) lawsuit against Shdulat Hanashim.
MK Ben Ari, good luck!
Men Rights in Israel
Men Rights is a sad and painful issue in Israel, as well as in other parts of the western world. The rise of feminism in the last decades of the 20th century has not alerted men as it should have. Men have viewed feminism as a joke, and hasn't taken it seriously at all. As they were sleeping, feminism kept gaining more yards, until one day men have suddently found out that they have no rights left.
Today, Men's status is at all times low. In the Family, in the Media, in Politics, in the Legal System, and in society as a whole. Feminists has been sucesssful in instilling a belief in the whole western world population, men as well as women, that men are useless, stupid and violent. The role of men as the heads of households, as main breadwinners, as leaders and fathers, no longer exist in western society.
This blog is going to focus on these issues, and it is going to focus on what is happening in Israel. There are currently no blogs or websites in English that I am ware of, that tell the story of feminism in Israel. I have even come across a website once, that accused jews of being all feminists. If the author of this website only knew how bad Israeli Jewish men are suffering because of feminism, and how much anger and dislike of feminism there is today among Israeli men, he might have written what he has written. So, this blog will try to tell the story of feminism and men rights in Israel. However, from time to time I hope to also write abot what is happening in other countries as well. Feminism is a global enemy. and so should be the Men Rights Movement. Men from all around the world should unite, and support each other globally, until the feminist beast is beaten.